A toilet paper has many uses in every household such as spellbinding any spillage and maintenance of hygiene after use of toilets. It is made of a separate material than a facial tissue. Further, separate types of toilet papers are made of separate types of paper. Thus, some of them get degraded in the septic tanks while those made of non biodegradable material tend to remain as it is and cause choking of the septic tanks. A singular sheet or many sheets of paper might be used in the manufacturing of it.
Charmin Toilet Paper is a popular toilet paper which is man-made by the firm named Charmin. The history of the firm dates back to 1928 when it was named Hoberg which later changed its current name. Its products are sold across the United States of America and Europe. In Europe, it is marketed by Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget (Sca) under the brand name Cushelle. Charmin Paper is ready in assorted types namely Charmin Freshmates, Charmin Basic and Charmin Extender etc.
'Charmin Freshmates' is a brand of Charmin Paper which is a soft toilet paper and can be admittedly flushed and moisture is added to it so as to furnish better contact than a dry tissue paper. 'Charmin Basic' is it's other brand which is man-made from a singular sheet of paper. There is other popular brand named Charmin Ultra which uses two sheets instead of one. This is more tensile than the singular sheet brand Charmin Basic and is more durable.
There are some other similar products like Charmin Soft, Basic or Ultra Strong. There is no use of any kind of harmful dyes or inks which might cause any type of irritation in any individual. Extensive tests have been conducted to ensure that it does not clog severs or septic tanks. It degrades on its own in due policy of time.
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